Heart Health

Feb 2, 2025    Kirk Flaa

In this powerful message, we're challenged to examine the true state of our hearts. Drawing from Mark 7:1-23, we see Jesus confront the religious leaders of His day about their focus on outward traditions rather than inward purity. This passage reminds us that it's not what goes into us that defiles us, but what comes out of our hearts. We're called to recognize the universal problem of our sinful nature and our desperate need for a heart transplant that only God can provide. The story of NFL player Demario Davis serves as a poignant reminder that no matter how 'good' we think we are, we all need God's transformative power to give us a new heart. As we reflect on this, let's ask ourselves: Are we more concerned with outward appearances or the condition of our hearts? Are we ready to surrender to God's work of renewal in our lives?